Facts About College Campuses

  • About 8 in 10 current college students in the U.S. support smoke-free

    and tobacco-free policies at college.

  • Eliminating secondhand smoke exposure in colleges reduces risk

    factors that make student COVID-19 infections more severe - students

    and staff should not have to choose between their health or their


  • Colleges and universities serve as role models and change agents. Offering a smoke-free environment along with free quit support resources shows commitment to the health of students, faculty, and staff, as well as the broader community.

  • Colleges can save money - up to $6,000/yr for each employee who quit using tobacco successfully.

  • Most tobacco users want to quit. Share information and free resources from the SC Tobacco Quitline (1-800-QUIT-NOW) at www.quitnowsc.org.