Facts About Where We Worship
Places of worship are also places of employment. Clean air protections keep staff and other employees from developing secondhand smoke-related risk factors that increase the chance of severe infection from COVID-19.
Houses of worship are community focal points for spiritual, emotional, and physical wellness. Congregation members should not have to choose between their physical well-being and their spiritual well-being.
Spiritual leaders are role models. Embracing clean air protections reduces youth exposure to tobacco use and demonstrates integrity, compassion, and commitment to health of present and future generations.
People of faith look to spiritual leaders for social justice. Tobacco use is driven by inequity and unfair bias. The result is addiction and diseases like diabetes and heart disease, which make infections from COVID-19 more severe.
Most adult tobacco users want to quit. Be a positive voice for change with a smoke-free environment and free quit support from the SC Tobacco Quitline (1-800-QUIT-NOW). Visit www.quitnowsc.org to learn more.